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Massive SnowFlex slope for France
Wednesday, 18 January 2006
Briton Engineering Developments are pleased to announce that together with their French agents Envirosport SA, they have secured the company�s largest contract to date in a place called Noux Les Mines near Lille, in the Somme area of France.

Briton Engineering Developments believe that the project will be the largest artificial slope in Europe to date and is probably the most audacious design ever for an artificial slope, featuring important elements that will appeal to nervous novices and extreme experts alike.

The slope, which is in the region of 10,000 sq.m all told, will have the biggest and the best slope features ever designed. Some 300m in length, the slope combines features such as the largest artificial bump field, three jumps including the biggest �Big Air� jump ever seen on an artificial slope, a Table Top, a 50m Spine & Hip, a half pipe, cornice and rails. Also the slope will feature normal green and red run routes for the less adventurous skiers and boarders amongst us.

The project is in an old mining area and the local council see the slope as a major part of the plans they have for economic regeneration in the area.

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