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Are you optimistic?
Tuesday, 25 September 2007

optimistic_cover.jpgOn tuesday 18th September 2007, Optimistic’s European Premiere was held in Kaufleuten, a famous Z�rick’s lounge bar.
This new opus from Absinthe films is like a breath of white powder. Yet again and more than ever - given last winter’s poor riding conditions - the Absinthe crew managed to find the best powpow terrain and brought in some of the most creative and progressive riders.
Some have given up but not these guys. The result? A big fuck off to the global warming moroseness!

Starring : Marc Frank Montoya, Romain De Marchi, Danny Davis, Wolfgang Nyvelt, Justin Bennee, Marco Feichtner, Jules Reymond, Matt Beardmore, Nicolas M�ller, Kurt Wastell, Hans Ahlund, Mikey LeBlanc, Nicolas Droz, Sylvain Bourbousson, Gigi R�f, Phil Damianakes, Erik Christensen.

Check the teaser:

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