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Up in the sky
Monday, 01 October 2007


Up in the sky is Factor Films‘ 2007 European snowboard movie featuring some of the best-up-and-coming riders in the world such as Torstein Horgmo, Kareem El-Rafie, Eiki Helgason and more. With a pretty creative approach - the highlight of the movie is a pool session - this new flick look pretty promising and Torstein Horgmo is certainly a rider to keep an eye on!

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Some dates if you want to assist to a premiere:
06.10 Stockholm, Sweden
19.10 Akureyri, Iceland
20.10 Reykjavik, Iceland
28.10 Les 2 Alpes, France

Read more at: http://feeds.feedburner.com/~r/Wwwsnowbroadereu/~3/163601385/.

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