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BrOADER[view] with Christian from KaOrigin
Tuesday, 09 October 2007

Christian Alary We posted about KaOrigin already and we presented you their customization concept.
Some of you have been asking us for more details, so we decided to prepare a BrOADER[view] with Christian, one of the man behind the concept.
In this ITW, you’ll learn more about Christian, his background and you’ll get deeper in KaOrigin’s offer. Here @ BrOADER we are really excited to see and ride the result. For sure we will plan a BrOADER[TV] episode later this year to show you the products and maybe a little part of their secret and patented industrial tool. ;)


Read more at: http://feeds.feedburner.com/~r/Wwwsnowbroadereu/~3/167804483/.

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