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Runway's La La Land Premiere in Seignosse
Wednesday, 10 October 2007


Hey, just a short one to let you know that the chicks from Runaway films�are organising�the premiere of La La Land on friday 12th october at the Cream Cafe in Les Bourdaines Seignosse!

The projection will be followed by�an IPOD battle! YEAH!!

So if you are lucky enough to live around the Landes or are just hanging there for a real�late summer surf trip, don’t miss out on this opportunity to hang out with the supacute girls from La La Land!

As Anne-Flore wrote us:�I hope�I’ ll see you there! ;)

Oh and here’s the teaser by the way:

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Read more at: http://feeds.feedburner.com/~r/Wwwsnowbroadereu/~3/167957520/.

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