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FrontLine Rail Jam video report
Thursday, 11 October 2007

Last saturday was the annual snowboard season kick off in Stockholm, Sweden, for�the 20 riders from Iceland, Norway, Finland, Sweden, Austria, Russia, US and Canada who gathered to battle at the FrontLine RailJam 2007.
The setup was similar to last year: a down flat down box and straight rail plus a miniramp.
Some riders who stood out were Hans �hlund, Fredu Sirvi�, Risto Ruokola, Eirikur Helgason, Daniel Ek, Nicky Wieveg and E-man. Judges awarded the best trick of the day to two riders based on two rails. Risto Ruokola nailed something like a switch backside tail spin 180 on the rail and 270 out and cashed 5000SEK for Best Trick. The king of the kink box was Hans �hlund. A 50-50 backside 270 boardslide combo landed him Best Trick as well and became 5000SEK(500EUR) richer.�The best overall Rider of the Day award went to Iceland's own king Eirikur Helgason who delivered technical combos and solid style all day long.

Check out this video to get a feeling of how hot the final was:�

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Read more at: http://feeds.feedburner.com/~r/Wwwsnowbroadereu/~3/168459942/.

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