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15 sparkling candles for ABS
Friday, 12 October 2007

ABS 15 years oldTonight is the 15th birthday party of the most famous and oldest skate/snow shop in Lyon (Fr), I named ABS!!

It will cost you 7 Euros for their gift but in return you’ll get plenty of nice stuffs for your eyes and your ears!!

Everything will start with a signature session at 18h30. 2 hours later 3 videos (Optimistic?, Process 5 and Trouble in Japan) will be projected.

The highlight of the party is the music show of Mr�Trevor “TROUBLE”�Andrew which will kick off at 22h00. Don’t miss it!!

Location : LA PLATEFORME - 4 quai Augagneur 69003 Lyon (Fr)

Read more at: http://feeds.feedburner.com/~r/Wwwsnowbroadereu/~3/168940079/.

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