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Arthur Longo joins APO!
Saturday, 13 October 2007

arthurapo.jpgArthur Longo is living in Les 2 Alpes in France, he is one of the most talented riders of the new scene.

At only 19 years old, he already proved his skills by winning the O'Neill Pro freestyle in Avoriaz, a 5 stars TTR contest, and by flying higher than 9 meters at the Artic Challenge quarter pipe.

Arthur joins APO and the pro team composed of Matt Dano, Caroline Beliard and Friedl Kolar.

He is already enjoying shredding the Family 156 mixed of the Expresso binding Darkmilk.

We really hope Arthur will ride even stronger this season and score some great results in the TTR, because this guy has talent!


Check out our BrOADER TV episode from last March, when we met up with Arthur at the Billabong Junior Pro Champs, where he finished in second place.


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