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Drew wants you for TTR!
Monday, 15 October 2007

TTR blackbackIf you’re looking for a cool job this winter in order to experience snowboarding at the core, here is a good tip for you, young & motivated people!!

The TTR is offering a 6 month internship at their operational headquarters in the heart of Tirol/Austria. As an intern at TTR, you should have real responsibility and a real work :)
For the moment they are looking for :

  • Web content coordinator
  • Public relation coordinator
  • Online marketing / PR coordinator
  • PR / Journalism assistant
  • Assistnat Tour manager / Sponsorship coordinator

Email your resume with a cover letter describing your work experience, education and interests and why you would like to be an intern with TTR to This e-mail address is being protected from spam bots, you need JavaScript enabled to view it or www.ttrworldtour.com to check out the job section.

OK, but now here is the deal!
We’ve done our part of the job, so if following this post, you become the new sponsorship or press coordinator, you’ll have to put snowbroader.eu on the top of your list!
Send us “all inclusive” invitations for a world winter trip, pay million $$ to become a snowbroader.eu partner…
Just kidding! ;) You should really apply because this is a unique opportunity to ride year long and to gain valuable experience. So go for it and good luck! Also yo’ll get to party with Drew weeee!

Read more at: http://feeds.feedburner.com/~r/Wwwsnowbroadereu/~3/170513885/.

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