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The busy week of Miss Anne-Flore Marxer!
Monday, 22 October 2007

Hey people! We have been brainstorming hard for weeks to find new ideas of cool content to post. And bam! Here it is our new weekly post concept:�the BrOADER[week]!
Do be really�honest, it’s an idea Phil got yesterday while he was trying to hit on 16 years old on MySpace, but that’s not the point… ;)
The concept of the BrOADER[week] is that - in our effort to bring you ever closer to the European snowboard action - we will ask a “people” from the industry to describe us what they have planned for the coming week!
Is their any way to know them better? How they live, what they like? How hectic (or not) their life is? Ich don’t think so!
So�from now on - and if we can hold up the rythm - every monday on snowbroader.eu you’ll know how to be at the right place and at the right time�to�bump into your favorite rider!
Just like paparazzis, we are turning into a tabloid!�;)
Anyway what is interesting in our opinion, is that everybody is different and that each rider deals with his career in his own way. Some are very pro, some might be more easy.

Anne-Flore picSo to kick off with this new feature, we hooked up with the one and only: our lovely Anne-Flore Marxer!
Here is what Anne-Flore told�us she had planned for this coming week:

  • Monday:
    7am - Pick up at the hotel
    10am - Interview with Cooler mag at the Oakley office
    12am - Interview and lunch with Onboard mag at the Oakley office
    3pm - Interview and Shooting with Golden Ride mag
  • Tuesday:
    4pm - Interview with Snowboarder MBM
    8pm - Dinner with 7 sky mag
  • Wednesday:
    9am - Shooting with Starshot
    5pm - Interview with 7sky mag
    7pm - Oakley Goggle PR Event
  • Thursday:
    9am - Leaving to Hintertux, Location check
    4pm-6pm - Signing Session/ Moreboards Shop Innsbruck
    9pm - Welcome Evening Snowboard Camp/Hintertux
  • Friday
    8am - Breakfast
    9am-4pm Snowboard Camp
    7pm - Dinner at the restaurant “Neuhintertux”
    830pm - Oakley eyewear and apparel teaching
  • Saturday
    8am - Breakfast
    9am-4pm - Snowboard Camp
    4pm-7pm - Wellness & Massage at the hotel
    8pm - Austrian Lodge evening
  • Sunday
    8am - Breakfast
    9am-12am - Snowboard Camp
    12am - Lunch at “Gletscherh�tte” and get-together
    2pm - End of the camp

Personaly I’d be exhausted after a week like that of pre-season interviews marathon and sponsor events! But no chance for Anne-Flore,�the following�week will be even more hectic she told us! At the end of the day, I wouldn’t mind switching her week with mine though…What about you?

Read more at: http://feeds.feedburner.com/~r/Wwwsnowbroadereu/~3/173321306/.

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