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Snowbroader crew @ Mondial du snow
Monday, 22 October 2007

mdsnow.jpg The biggest European snowboard event of the Fall - The Mondial du snowboard - will be kicking off next week-end in les 2 Alpes and we, the snowbroader.eu crew will be there to represent, test some gear, mingle, and party like animals!

The event is celebrating its 18th birthday, so reaching its majority and turning legally allowed to drink, we can expect more than ever a real week-end of excess and wilderness!
If you are around you should definitly come there if not for partying at least for testing some 07/08 gear. Have a look at the impressive list of brands offering you the possibility to test ride their goods:


So guys and girls, if you are up there and want to invite us for shooter fights, drop us a comment or send us a mail through our contact form. We will be happy to meet/party with you to mark the start of the Euro season with style!

Read more at: http://feeds.feedburner.com/~r/Wwwsnowbroadereu/~3/173223565/.

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