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Heikki Sorsa 's fun week!
Monday, 22 October 2007

heikki.jpgTo mark the launch of our new concept, we give you double plus good booya with a bonus BrOADER[week]!
We asked Heikki Sorsa what he had planned for the coming week and it’s miles away from Anne-Flore’s busy schedule.
Heikki is cruising in and out and getting ready to party for Halloween! :)

Today i think i’m going to go and buy a new MAC computer for myself!
Tuesday i am flying to Big Bear, CA with my girlfriend for 4 days. She has a photoshoot with wild animals there…Flying back to Salt Lake City on friday.
Hopefully going to do some fun things on the weekend. Getting ready for Halloween… good stuff! I’m going to be princess cinderella! hahahahah! have fun guys!
Heikki Sorsa

Read more at: http://feeds.feedburner.com/~r/Wwwsnowbroadereu/~3/173503928/.

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