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SC Ranking rider ceremony
Thursday, 25 October 2007

SC ranking rider On sunday 28 October, the Snowboard Collective in partnership with les 2 alpes is organising the official “Ranking Rider” award ceremony!
The awards will reward the most mediatised riders of the 2006/07 season.

The ceremony will take place at the Amphibia and will bring together�la cr�me de la cr�me of the french snowboard scene: riders, shops, industry, brands, resorts, media, and more….

We will try to sneack in, in order to give you an insight�on this special evening. Special not only because of the awards, but also because it’s a classy ceremony where you have to come dressed in our father’s most stylee smoking. But don’t worry, it’s going to finish in a huge orgy as usual at the Avalanche bar!

Read more at: http://feeds.feedburner.com/~r/Wwwsnowbroadereu/~3/174695503/.

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