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Math Crepel's rock star week!
Monday, 29 October 2007

mat.jpgSo guys, here’s my program for the week!
On monday, I’m driving back to Anglet from the Mondial du Snow…on the road again!
Tuesday is busy as I am filming a TV documentary on my pre-season preparation. Wednesday is an important day for me as I have a meeting for my TTR event: the MC Invitational which will take place at the Domaine
du Tourmalet from 6 till 9 February. It’s the first TTR contest to take place in the Pyr�n�es!
Thursday, I’ll meet with the Quiksilver staff to prepare the season. We have to go through the plannings, the shoots, the events and I also have different ideas and project I want to share with them…
Finally it’s gonna be friday. Not much planned for now but I’m sure somethign will show up!
And then saturday,it’s not the week-end for me: I’m going to join the Rossignol people for the annual Sales meeting.
That’s the big lines of my schedule for this week. But of course all the freetime I have will be for surfing and spending quality time with my girlfriend - she has a few days holidays - before the season rush really starts!

That’s it for now! I’ll give you some more news soon. Have a nice week too!

Read more at: http://feeds.feedburner.com/~r/Wwwsnowbroadereu/~3/176563336/.

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