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Dedicated present "Hunt & Gather"
Tuesday, 30 October 2007

We want to make something different, a “real” movie that shows the rider’s passion and dedication to the sport, his friends and the mountains. We want to make a documentary that passes the rider’s feelings about the sport directly on to the audience. Something comparable to the surf movie “The Endless Summer”. Briefly a dedicated movie about dedicated people.

I can’t believe we missed out on this one…shame on us!
The teaser from Hunt & Gather, the 2007 movie from the Swiss Dedicated crew has been available since the summer and the premiere was even held beginning of September!
After Thermos last year, we might have found another snowboard movie which really has something fresh and different to offer. Just watching the teaser carries you straight in the atmosphere of the movie, and the way it is filmed - the light and photography and the soundtrack - enhances this feeling. This is not a movie about spinning 1080�, it’s completly the opposite: it’s about smooth turns, controlled, slow rotations, big and styled airs. I love it!

Check it out for yourself and let us know what you think!

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Read more at: http://feeds.feedburner.com/~r/Wwwsnowbroadereu/~3/177108803/.

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