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Battle on the Glacier 3000
Wednesday, 31 October 2007

Battle on the Glacier 3000To celebrate the opening of the Glacier des Diablerets (CH), the FBBB crew in collaboration with Freestyle concept and the famous Budokan chalet, are organising the Battle on the Glacier 3000: a 1000 CHF prize money snowboard contest which will be held this coming saturday, November 3rd!

Because it will be very festive and mellow, the chosen format is two 45 minutes slopestyle Jam sessions with a final session with 4-5 riders to determine the lucky winners, all this under the beats of the local park DJs and MCs!
Of course after such a perfect day, the prize giving party is planned at the Budokan chalet where you will also be able to session the mini ramp!

The guys are also organising snowboard camps until November, 12th so check out all the infos here.

Tout de bon!

Read more at: http://feeds.feedburner.com/~r/Wwwsnowbroadereu/~3/177607557/.

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