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SC Ranking rider ceremony: photo report
Wednesday, 31 October 2007

As planned the Snowboard Collective Ranking rider ceremony was held last sunday evening during the Mondial du Snowboard.
The event gathered hundreds of riders, brands, shop owners and journalists mainly from the french scene.
They were all invited to assist to the award giving ceremony rewarding the most “mediatised” riders from the past season.
And the winners are -drums -:

  • French riders of the year: Caroline B�liard & Nicolas “daddy” Droz
  • French rookie of the year: Arthur Longo
  • International rider of the year: Leanne Pelosi & Eero Ettala

The evening went on smoothly and it was fun to see everybody in their best gala style clothes - or not! ;)

Photo credit : Elodie Tib�ri & M�lanie Lenoir


Read more at: http://feeds.feedburner.com/~r/Wwwsnowbroadereu/~3/177662297/.

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