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Burton AM Tour in Les 2 Alpes: video report
Thursday, 01 November 2007

BURTON AM tour LEs 2 ALpes header

logo_am_tour.jpgThe second stage of the Burton AM Tour was held on sunday during the Mondial in the perfectly prepared - and rock hard park - of the 2 Alpes glacier.
We didn’t hang to long on the kickers to watch the kids ride, but we chilled a bit in the starting area.
We were pretty impressed to see so many young riders coming from so many different European countries attending the tour!
It’s really a success and so we have to big up Burton for putting on such an event!
We took the opportunity to chat with Andy who is the man in charge of organising the whole AM tour for Burton.
His team and him have been doing it for 3 seasons now and this year they have included even more stages in more countries.
These guys really love the road! Andy told us they will drive 30000 kms this season!
We’ll have a video up soon focusing on all the organisation/logistics aspects for setting up such a Tour, but for now meet some of the riders - among this bunch there might be the next Shauwn White!

You need to a flashplayer enabled browser to view this YouTube video

Guys, this is our first Broader[TV] episode of the season, so be cool because we didn’t have time to fine tune our stuff yet. But don’t worry we will improve the style progressively!

Read more at: http://feeds.feedburner.com/~r/Wwwsnowbroadereu/~3/177971076/.

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