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MFM Launches Sound Outerwear PDF Print E-mail
Friday, 18 January 2008
Professional Snowboarder Marc Frank Montoya will launch his new snowboarding brand Sound for the 2008-2009 season

Comprised of technical waterproof/breathable outerwear and a full range of accessories, Sound will officially launch at thesound_m.jpg 2008 SIA and ISPO tradeshows. The line is built on the proven Patented Sound System features that have been in development for more than five years, with styling and fabrics that are completely new. Sound will launch worldwide and will be based out of the Brandbase headquarters with other snowboard brands Technine, Nomis, and Alycium, of which Marco is now a partner.

"Whassupp Ya'll! You're gonna be soo stoked!!! We've never been happier and more confident than we are now with Sound!!! EVERYTHING has come out PERFECT - exactly how we've always pictured it! We're finally all set up with the best team of friends, infrastructure, and partners, and things are going ridiculously well. All of our hearts are 110% into this, and the stars have aligned to make this the all time dopest gear company EVER. Sound is gonna be the best shit ever made, with all the right heads behind it. We want to thank everybody for the support over the years and we hope you're as proud as we are to be a part of a 100% REAL & TRUE snowboarding company. We've always done it from the heart. It's never been about the money, only stayin' true to ridin' & havin' fun with the homies, you feel me?! So check Sound at SIA and ISPO & we'll see you there, you WILL be stoked!!! That's my word!!! Your boy, MFM

"I first met Marco when he was just a no name kid with unbelievable raw talent, and since then I have been lucky enough to work with him in on every project I've ever been involved with. Like his riding, he comes through every time with the ideas that make me change my entire view on what snowboarding (and outerwear) can be. We have always worked together to try to bring these ideas to riders and take snowboarding to a new level, but this time it's different: This time it's HIS. The Sound line proves Marco's tastes are as diverse as the kids that look up to him. I couldn't be more excited to be involved with Marco and Sound!" Trent Bush

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