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Ski Sunday - Your views please PDF Print E-mail
Monday, 21 January 2008

So, for those of us who don't have access to eurosport or extreme, this Sunday saw the opportunity to get our TV fix by way of the infamous Ski Sunday. Now before I took to the snowboard I was a skier, before that I used to watch Ski Sunday for the high speed crashes (just being honest) as they focused mainly on just the skiers and the races. 

But the new series of Ski Sunday has seen a change to the format. However, Looking over at the BBC Sports pages there seems to be a lot of disgruntled views asking why the BBC has deemed it necessary to bring celebrities into the mix and made it seem more like a holiday show appealing to non-skiers rather than the Ski Sunday they knew and loved.

So, I want to know what you lot thought about the show, did you watch it? Did you like it?
Was there enough snowboarding......share your thoughts on the forum using the link in the box below


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