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Five wheels better than two? PDF Print E-mail
Wednesday, 05 March 2008
An Australian firm has invented a five-wheeled bicycle that it says rides like a surfboard. The StreetSurfer has a traditional frame and rear wheel - but four front wheels.20080305_i10.jpg

And the makers claim having four points of contact at the front means the bike handles in a completely different way. Those who have tested out the StreetSurfer report improved steering, cornering and front wheel tracking. They compare the ride more to surfing or snowboarding than a BMX or mountain bike. The increased traction also allows the rider to lean over further while the unconventional suspension is said to make trick jumps easier.

StreetSurfer spokesman Mark Palmer said: “The bicycle has effectively been the same since the safety bicycle evolved from the Penny farthing more than a century ago and we figured it was about time to take the next step.” The bikes are now on sale in the UK for £399. ananova
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