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GTrek: Hot Product For The Slopes in 2008/09 PDF Print E-mail
Thursday, 28 August 2008

GTrek, a new gadget that monitors an individuals' movement in order to create a detailed visual and statistical record, has been launched in time for the 2008/09 skiing and snowboarding season.

The GTrek uses the very latest in GPS technology to monitor and record and individual's movement during a run. The collected data can then simply be downloaded and overlayed onto Google Earth to create a 'movement map' - a moving visual representation of the information - allowing the experience to be virtually relived.


Snowboarding and skiing is at its most sociable after the event where everyone gathers and discusses what they have done that day. GTrek's Google Earth capabilities represents an amazing opportunity for displaying recorded information in a way that really walks the user through where they have been and what they have done, allowing them to recreate, show-off and store their experience.

The information can also be displayed numerically telling the user how far, how fast and how high they have traveled, just to mention a few, by a series of graphs, making it the ideal conversation maker during an après ski drink at the end of the day.

British holidaymaker and snowboarder Chris Ison commented:
"We've just come back from a snowboarding holiday in Banff, Canada where a couple of us took out the GTrek gadget. The snowboarding was awesome and the recorded information from the devise not only allowed us to show each other off piste runs we had discovered and where we had been that day, it also added a competition element on the runs we all completed as it allowed us to see top speeds, heights, descents and how long it took us to complete the run. It's a great gadget that will add a new dimension to the snowboarding experience."

John Bird, co-founder of the GTrek, commented, "Snowboarding and skiing is at its most sociable after the event where everyone gathers and discusses what they have done that day. GTrek's Google Earth capabilities represents an amazing opportunity for displaying recorded information in a way that really walks the user through where they have been and what they have done, allowing them to recreate, show-off and store their experience."

The product can be purchased on line at www.gtrek.co.uk. For more information, visit at www.gtrek.co.uk or call 01922 455299.




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