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ifyouski warns of Feb half term rush PDF Print E-mail
Thursday, 28 August 2008
ifyouski.com have an article warning that tour operators say that the  Feb 2009 half term holidays will be tricky for families.

It warns that nearly all UK schools have the same week off, when usually the holidays are spread over at least a fortnight.


The message is that availability will be low and thus prices high, already visible if you go to a 'low cost' airline website and try to book a flight to the Alps around Valentine's Day, returning a week later.

The message from Europe's leading snow report provider, skiinfo.com, is why wait? Why not ski in the October holidays instead when availability is high, prices are low, you can book at the last minute and you might even get a late bit of autumn sunshine? 

Read the full article over at ifyouski.com



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