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Gear Up-Rock Up-Win PDF Print E-mail
Monday, 13 October 2008

Sunday 19th October 2008 at 12:00pm – Trafalgar Square, London

We are offering all you snow sports enthusiasts the chance to win a Free day ticket of your choice by simply gearing up in your Ski/ Snowboard equipment and heading to Trafalgar Square on Sunday the 19th October 2008 at 12:00pm. 


Yes it is that simple! We will be giving away a FREE ticket of your choice just for getting dressed in your Snow Gear! All you have to do to claim your free ticket is get kitted up in your Ski or Snowboard gear, head to Trafalgar Square and your guaranteed to win! On top of free tickets there will be extra goodies from the likes of LG, Relentless and Armada given away for extra effort and creativity.


Sunday 19th October 2008


The event organisers will be there with Tickets in hand to give away, so be sure to be there on time! Let’s try and get the largest gathering of Snow enthusiasts ever


Trafalgar Square, London.

Look out for the Freeze team and event posters to claim your prize!



When we say gear up we mean the whole kit, we want to see Ski’s, Snowboards, Goggles, Jackets and we don’t just mean one of each. If you were about to hit a slope in the Alps, well that is what you need to wear! Let’s try and get all the Snow athletes in London to hit up this opportunity if not for Free tickets for the fun of it! I have already picked out my Kit so where’s yours?

So join in and Win with Freeze!



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