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Think SNOWMO for your Ski & Snowboard DVDs PDF Print E-mail
Wednesday, 21 October 2009

SNOWMO has opened its online doors, selling Ski & Snowboard DVDs to the UK market! We aim to fill the gap in the market for a branded ecommerce store that offers all the latest winter releases from around the planet at realistic prices!

The idea for SNOWMO began way back on a winter season in 2005! That year’s Rossignol Scratch skis came with a free DVD featuring
groundbreaking footage of skier Candide Thovex. Previously unaware of the Ski & Snowboard film industry, this video BLEW OUR MINDS! Flatmates and fellow seasonaires could not believe what they were seeing and the film inspired us to push what we thought was possible on the mountains!

We realised that if we, as seasonaires had not been aware of the industry beforehand, how many others could fuel their passion at home if they knew of the magic of winter sports DVDs?

SNOWMO aims to extend awareness of the excitement and inspiration that winter sports DVDs offer, and expand the market for these high standard productions in the UK. The Ski & Snowboard industry in the UK is growing faster than ever before, and we aim to bring the DVD market along with it! To find out more, visit www.snowmo.co.uk

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