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Winter sports holidaymakers not cutting back this year PDF Print E-mail
Tuesday, 08 December 2009

Contrary to reports of cost-cutting, "staycationning" and increased interest in cheaper alternatives to traditional destinations, recent research* by leading online travel insurance specialist, insurewithease, has revealed that 67% of winter sports enthusiasts have not changed their regular holiday plans this year.


The insurewithease survey showed that 50% of skiers, snowboarders and tobogganists are planning at least one trip to the slopes this winter.  And although alternative destinations such as Bulgaria and Slovakia are rising in popularity, more than two thirds (69%) of insurewithease customers have not even considered cheaper destinations.  Just 20% say they have selected a cheaper location than in previous years.


"While the purse strings have been a little tighter all year, it seems Brits are still splashing the cash when it comes to winter holiday plans" reported Paul Byrne, Chief Executive Officer, insurewithease.com. Over 60% of those organising a trip this winter plan to spend between £300 and £750 per person, per trip, with 20% happy to spend up to £1,000.


The findings may come as a surprise to some, but winter sports holidays offer an escape from the dreary English weather.  And many find it difficult to sacrifice, despite the difficult economy and decreased disposable income.


Of course, the one area where they really mustn't cut corners is on their travel insurance.


This message from insurewithease is backed up by the Foreign Office which has just launched a major safety awareness campaign to emphasise the need for winter sports travel insurance cover as the first British skiers head for the slopes. 


"Anyone planning a trip to the slopes this winter is best advised to shop around for the best winter sports travel insurance" concluded Paul Byrne.  They will almost certainly find online insurers, like insurewithease.com cheaper than their tour operator's or travel agent's travel insurance.  And that's got to be good news to give them more money to spend at the resort.
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