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Monday, 08 March 2010

UK Transplant Kids jet off to Switzerland for special International Transplant Ski Camp


On Saturday 13th March, 20 very lucky UK transplant children aged 10-16 years old are heading off to the mountains of Switzerland to enjoying a week of ski and snow fun at the TACKERS International Ski Camp, with other children who have received new organs from across the globe. 


The annual TACKERS International Ski Camp is being held from 13th-20th March 2010 in the snowy village of Anzere and offers the opportunity for these youngsters to celebrate their second chance of life and show the general public just how fit and well they are after their life saving surgery, highlighting the importance of organ donation. The UK Contingent is 60 strong this year with parents, siblings and also a UK medical nursing team to assist with the care of close to 50 international children attending from across the World. www.tackers.org 


Liz Schick-Founder of TACKERS, is herself a liver transplant recipient, born in the UK but now based in Switzerland. Inspired by her own experiences, Liz developed the TACKERS Adventure Ski Camp from scratch as a charity adventure camp for children with organ transplants and this will be her 9th International Camp as Project Manager for TACKERS. Liz makes a huge difference to the lives of transplant children across the World. For many of the children, this will be the very first time they have had to run, play and most importantly ‘have fun’ as a normal child and slip the often overprotective arms of their parents and escape their struggle for long term good health for a week of fun! For many-it will be the first time they have met other children with transplants- just like them!


Liz says “I used to believe that once transplanted you were cured. I now realize that it is only the start of a life long battle to remain fit and well with a daily medication cocktail to prevent rejection. Children face the toughest battle. With a shortage of organs, it is critical that those youngsters receiving a transplant keep their new organs for as long as possible and continue to enjoy living. We sincerely thank our sponsors for without their financial support-TACKERS would not happen for these amazing children and their families”.


Lynne Holt, Transplant Sport UK Trustee and one of the Uk Medical team caring for the children says, “All of these children have experienced near death situations and long periods of illness. Without the ‘Gift of Life’ they simply would not be here today! They have already climbed a mountain in their quest for life, and with their courage and determination; they will enjoy the thrills of skiing down a mountain in Switzerland. Life is very precious and as there is a desperate shortage of organs nationally, we do hope that seeing these amazing youngsters will encourage people to talk to their families about organ donation and sign the NHS Organ Donor Register.’


The UK kids will be taking part in ski and snowboarding competitions and making new friends with children from different countries including France, Switzerland, Italy, Ireland, Morocco, Israel and Hungary. The Transplant Sport UK organisers would sincerely like to thank The Astellas Foundation for their amazing financial support for the UK children and TACKERS.

To register on the NHS Organ Donor Register, please telephone 0300 123 23 23 or go to www.organdonation.nhs.uk   to register online. Most importantly, please discuss your wishes with your family and friends – thank you.


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